Thursday the 22nd was the last day of classes at ESCP and thus the perfect time to celebrate a slightly belated Texas Independence day. Although April 21st is the real anniversary for the Battle of San Jacinto, in which the Texans charged the divided Mexican forces outside of present-day Houston to win their freedom, half of our potential guests had a test on Thursday so they couldn't have been able to attend the night before.

My old church friend Elizabeth Medlin - who came and visited Rue Quincampoix for St. Patrick's Day - sent us Texas postcards to decorate the apartment with. It wasn't much but at least we had some form of Texas flag on the front door. Then, between myself, Cameron, and our helpers Katie and Lauren, we cooked an absolute feast to remind ourselves our Texas and help share a little bit of home with our foreign guests. The menu focused on chicken fajitas, and we had the four burners of our stove going strong for a good six or seven hours to get everything ready. For fajitas we had rotisserie chicken and sauteed onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, bacon, and beans. The snack table included fresh guacamole, pico de gallo, and black bean / corn dip. We had a strong Norwegian contingent, a good-sized Australian party, some Canadians, and then some French, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Swiss guests as well. I told everyone that they were only allowed to bring tequila, whiskey, or beer - because the Texans sure weren't drinking champagne behind the walls of the Alamo - and the majority of people listened. One of the French guests brought a bottle of wine, though; it wasn't until later that we found out it was a 150 euro bottle of wine from his parents' vineyard! It was a lot of fun and made me miss Texas all the more, but I have a little bit more of Europe to enjoy at this point and had Prague to look forward to the next morning.
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